Fort Saskatchewan
In 2013, Broda was contracted to complete the excavation of a new Brine Pond, including sub-drain, manhole, and sump station install/backfill. In executing this contract, we were also able to provide construction management, execution strategies, and cost-savings to the client that resulted in us being contracted to continue other site expansion projects such as road development, well pad construction, and most significantly, a new rail yard facility. These works included the installation of approximately 15 km of underground storm and surface drainage pipe, 147 manhole and catch basin structures, excavation of 2 storm ponds, and the installation of 2 subdrain manholes and 2 major control structures. Also included was excavation, fine-grading, bedding, concrete pour structures, structure installation, backfill, and pipe install.
Prior to the construction kick-off, Broda was also involved in optimizing the underground drainage design and proposed alternative options for the structures and piping, and sourced other specifications for aggregates. This resulted in a schedule savings of approximately 2 months and a cost savings of over 5 million dollars.
– 1,000,000 tonnes of clay imported by highway trucks
– 100,000 tonnes of sub-ballast imported by highway trucks