The Caswell Crossing Project on Eagle Creek was started at the beginning of February 2019 in -40 temperatures which proved to be a challenge with crew mulching the new right of way, removing existing fence lines, and especially for the aqua-dam installation and dewatering process. During the dewatering process, over 200 fish were relocated downstream by biologists onsite. Once this process was complete, crews removed the existing weir, prepped the creek bed and installed the engineered riffle. The riffle was designed to facilitate fish spawn in the spring which was later verified via underwater cameras. The crew also completed the bank stabilization and armoring of the original crossing at the same time as the riffle installation prior to the aqua-dam being removed. Once this was completed the crew was responsible for the construction of the MSE walls and the new RM road alignment on both sides off the newly constructed bridge, followed by the reclamation of the original RM road grade.
There were a lot of tedious work scoped associated with this project. Our crews completed the Bio D block installation, along with the installation of all the erosion and sediment controls required. Hand placement of the rock armoring required under the bridge deck at the abutments, as well as the placement and transplant of 3200 willows and shrubs. To complete the project, guardrail was installed at the bridge ends.